Are you a risk-conscious investor looking for quality, under-valued stocks? Tikyr's suite of tools are designed to help you quickly expose deep value opportunities.
Tikyr's Recession Risk Index is a collection of over 40 simple econometric indicators, the sum of which coinside with major market downturns, proxy for and result of economic recession.
Indicators are broken down by category, each category's trough (displayed here as a peak) typically coinciding with a different phase of a recession or business cycle. Indicators are algorithmically time-shifted to account for lag effects. This means today's score was determined, on average, over 6 months ago.
Approaching economic downturns (i.e. when this chart accelerates deeply into High territory), it is important to seek out under-valued stocks that are also resilient to (or benefit from) troubles in the economy. Such companies may include: utilities and other companies with fixed pricing models and predictable customer base; large, safe dividend paying stocks with the ability to continue to pay their dividend and possess a high likelihood of financial recovery; and, companies that cater to consumers on a budget.
Start here if you're in the market for such a stock today! And don't forget to seek out safe, under-valued growth stocks as the market tumbles, and catch the wave back up.
Tikyr is a Value Investment discovery platform, built to help value investors find new opportunities fast.
Tikyr automatically evaluates companies using multiple valuation models and displays the results in an easy-to-digest, simple-to-compare manner. Tikyr supplies visualized financial reports, pricing data and historical valuation graphs to help you quickly identify possible value opportunities to add to your portfolio.
Tikyr is for self-directed investors interested in finding value stocks quickly. Tikyr is the first step in the process, providing tools to help value investors to identify potential deals and jump-start research.
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Tikyr is a single-developer passion project with the goal of solving the discovery phase of Value Investing, with the help of tried and true value investing principals, statistical analysis and AI.
Tikyr seeks to bring some of the tools usually reserved for back-room analysts to retail investors, leveling the playing field as far as surfacing deep value opportunities with high-likelihood of short-term rebound.
Tikyr combines multiple equity extrapolation and cashflow valuation models, automated fundamental analysis, statistical modeling and traditional value investing principals to arrive at current value estimations, price projections and company safety insights. These values are designed to help investors weed out the losers, surface potential winners, and discover hidden gems and market oversights that would normally be obscurred by complex data and market impulsivity.
Valuation is 100% automated and is heavily rooted in core value investment principals and statistical analysis. Valuation is not a guarantee of price performance and is merely a projection based on a company's inferred historical operational effectiveness. Tikyr prides itself on providing a unique 10000 ft. view and serving as the first step in the research process.
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